Are you asking, “How come what I want isn’t coming to me and I’m doing all the right things?” Here’s what I hear from clients a lot, “I deserve health, wealth and happiness. If I do all the right things, I will be healthy, wealthy, happy, so why isn’t it coming to me?” 

Here’s the quick answer. If you do ALL the right things: 

  1. It’s not going to come to you. Something else is going to come to you, instead. 
  2. It is coming to you, it’s just not here yet. 
  3. It’s going to come to you, but it’s going to look different than you thought. It’s going to be in a different package. 
  4. You’re getting what you want and it’s gonna backfire.

Watch this video and I’m going to show you if you are A,B,C, or D. Please get a journal or blank paper to take notes, a pen or pencil to write with, and, also download this worksheet from my website.