Samantha Khury, featured on numerous television shows…

as a renowned animal communicator, such as “Turning Point” with Diane Sawyer, various programs on the Discovery Channel, “Sightings,” “P.M. Magazine,” Regis Philbin’s “Morning Show,” “The Phil Donahue Show,” PBS and BBC was struggling to write a book.

After her first vision mapping session, she went from….

  • 10 years of confusion.
  • I can’t.
  • It’s impossible.


  • a simple step-by-step plan
  • I can do it!
  • I am destined to succeed.

See the vision maps which helped her get there!

Series of 6 Workbooks

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Veronica Ferre, former Art Director for New York Times and Conde Nast…

with television set design experience including QVC/Shopping Network, NBC/Universal, The Isaac Mizrahi Show/ E! Entertainment, Jack Morton Worldwide, The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet/ Fox was lost about which direction her career was going.

After a few vision mapping sessions, she went from….

  • Unemployed artist
  • Unsure


  • To lucrative T.V. and fashion assignments
  • Self-confident

See the “aha” moments from her vision maps which helped her get there!


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