“Coaching the Athlete’s Coach” by Vicky Lee (Part 1: Define the Problem)

Download Worksheet #1 pdf
Worksheet video 1

Are you feeling stuck? Which area of your life do you feel stuck in? (relationship, money, career, body)

Today, I’m here with Jason Arnold, owner of Alpha Athletics. He’s an athlete and a personal trainer who’s worked internationally to place over 100 athletes into college and professional sports teams. I’m going to show you step-by-step how Jason fixed the tiny hole that was sinking the entire Titanic of his life. You’re going to learn how to do this in 30 minutes or less with each video of this 4 video series.


Welcome to Part 1, called “Define the problem.” First, let’s create your formula for success. Download this worksheet from my website. On the worksheet, answer 3 questions:

  • What is the #1 problem in your life or business— that if you fixed it today, everything in your life would run smoother? (lose weight, get more customers, find a steady job, get married, cure my disease)
  • As soon as you fixed that problem, what would be the immediate result? (feel happy, attract more men, pay my debts, get my parents to approve of me, be independent)
  • What is your end goal? (be a dance teacher, retire, have kids, buy a house, write a book)

In front of each of your answers, write the phrase:

  • “If I…”
  • “Then, I….”
  • “And reach my end goal of…”

Then, read the whole thing back to yourself out loud. For example, “If I lose weight, then I will attract more men and reach my end goal of getting married.” Now, let’s watch what happened when Jason tried to do these 3 simple steps to create his formula for success.

Define your problem:

Once you define your problem, it’s very easy to solve. The problem is… defining the problem correctly. When I coach with you or your professional team, I help you take a photograph of the way that you’re thinking. I call it a vision map. When you look at the photo, you’re like (scrunch face)… No, that’s not what I want. That’s what I was thinking, but that’s not what I want. Jason thinks that he wants more clients. Watch how he figures out that that is not what he wants.

Jason’s Formula for Success:

After all that processing, Jason was finally able to create his formula for success! This is how he did it:

  • Question #1: What is your #1 problem— that if you fixed today, everything in your life would run smoother?  Control over doing it the “right way”
  • Question #2: If you had control (over the philosophy, preparation, mind-set and long-term results of your athletes), then…. what result would that bring? Develop the right types of products, clients and business.
  • Question #3: What is your end goal? Happiness and success.

How to build neuro pathways in your brain:

As soon as you have your “aha” moment, you nail your formula for success…. you’re not done yet. Because your whole brain is flipped over. You’re like, “Whoa. Wow. That’s not what I was thinking before… but when I look at a picture of how I’m thinking NOW… I like it way better than what it was before.”

But you haven’t processed it yet. It’s not sinking in yet. So I need to hear you say your formula for success, out loud. And then, I’m going to grill you on it like a pop quiz. “Wait… how did you figure our your formula of success again? Why do you need control?”

Your brain, like an upturned turtle is trying to flip back over again… and it has to build those neuro pathways to do that. As soon as you upright, I flip your brain again so that you have to build more neuro pathways. And we keep going until I’m positive that no matter what happens, you will never revert back to your old way of failure and will always flip back over to your new way of success. So this is how it went with Jason.

Say it Out Loud:

When you say your formula for success outloud, over and over again… just like Jason did…. you’re building those mental, emotional, physical and spiritual neuro pathways in your brain… that are programming you for success. You know you’ve nailed it when you feel convicted, “Yes! I’m ready to swim with the sharks! I can do this! I commit to swim in the sea with no life jacket because I know I can. I have that one missing ingredient and everything makes sense now.”

Stay tuned for Part 2 where Jason confronts his first great white shark who doesn’t want him to have the one missing ingredient for his success— control.