Have you ever been in a situation where there is not a single customer in sight to buy products or services from your business? There isn’t a single investor interested in your start-up? There isn’t a single person willing to love you?

In this video, I’m going to introduce you to the rules of Abundance which will show you where to start when you’ve got nothing. In all of nature:

  • lack of resources (no investors)
  • harsh conditions (no one to love you)
  • poverty or starvation (no customers)

…. forces plants and animals to develop characteristics and traits which we consider to be beautiful.

The #1 rule of Abundance is that depravity creates beauty.

1- barren landscapeImagine a flower in a barren landscape with no water, no shade, no bumble bees to pollinate, even no soil to root? The flower forces itself to develop the brightest colors and the sweetest fragrant nectar—- so that a lone bumble bee will travel hundreds of miles just to pollinate it.

  • In order for you to survive with no resources, you have to develop unique beauty.
  • You must be a rare orchid, not just another daisy.

Where do you get your uniqueness from? You actually get it from your lack, your depravity, what you don’t have. For example, my client, 9 time world champion of jiu jitsu, Saulo Ribeiro— when he first started his career, he didn’t have any gifted athletes to train under him. So he took a nobody, just a regular guy and turned him into a world champion. Now, that’s his signature. That’s his unique beauty. He goes to places where they haven’t even heard of jit jitsu– like Scotland, Ohio, Canada—and he’ll turn anybody who happens to be there into a world champion.

If you’re lonely, destitute, poor or fallen on hard times— you’re in luck! You have the main ingredients for what it takes to be unique.

The #2 rule of Abundance is that complaining = death.

Nature doesn’t complain. It just survives. When you do see flowers praying to God for a winning lotto ticket? When you do see trees filing a complaint with HR? Nothing in nature relies on bureaucracy or another person to solve its problems. Nature relies only… on itself and the conditions of its environment.

If you stop to complain, you will not survive. You are wasting precious energy in the wrong direction.

malcolm xAfter Malcolm X was violently assassinated, I saw his widow, Betty Shabazz speak at Berkeley where I was going to school. Someone asked her how she was able to go back to college, earn her degree, a masters, a phd and become a college professor after her husband was killed. She said that she could not complain. Because as soon as she even thought about trucking her 6 little children to go back to her mother’s house, her mother would be standing in the doorway shouting, “I tole’ you to marry the dentist, but oh no… you had to marry the Islamic revolutionary,…” And because she had no shoulder to cry on— she became a success.

If you have no shoulder to cry on, no one who will tolerate your pity party— you’re in luck! You have to shut up, get up and go straight into the right direction— because you have no choice!

The #3 rule of Abundance is adapt to the conditions of your environment.

Nature doesn’t move. A plant can’t up and move to the big city where all the insects, water and fertilizer are— where it can still be ugly brown dry flower and still get pollinated. It has to stay in the arid dry desert and BLOOM, right where it’s at. Are you in a situation where you cannot go to where the resources are?

  • You don’t have the money to pay for school tuition
  • You live in a rural area
  • You’re home-bound
  • You’re living on a fixed income
  • You’re deaf, in a wheelchair, dyslexic, physically challenged

cookie 3In order to survive, you have to stay put right where you are. For example, Cookie Lee, CEO of Cookie Lee jewelry had a big corporate job where she couldn’t raise her kids. So she didn’t try to change corporate America. She changed her own backyard. She started to make jewelry and now her company posts $151 million year in profits.

Think of indigenous people, the most beautiful people on the planet. They developed song, tribes, culture and rituals that harnessed the energy of the ocean, the sun, moon and stars. Everything they needed, they found within themselves. Just like nature. Nature trusts God. Nature trusts that God created it within itself, the resources it needs to be beautiful and therefore… to survive.

Right now, on a piece of paper, I want you to write down what you’re lacking right now in your life:

  • your handicaps
  • disadvantages
  • lack of resources

Now, answer this question, “How does it force you to be beautiful?”

  • Talent
  • Character
  • love
  • inner peace

When you don’t have the package, you develop the content or the substance.

Who are the most unhappy people in the world? The most suicides is in Japan, the most technologically advanced society in the world. Who are the most drug addicted and depressed? Celebrities and trust fund children. These people don’t have to lift a finger to their needs mets.When our needs are met, we don’t develop beauty. Everything in nature—- develops beauty from depravity, lack and harsh conditions. Only humans expect beauty to come the easy way of having wealth, resources and no pain.

Look at God’s way vs. Man’s way. So you may be poor, lonely and destitute— but so is the panamint orchid, one of rarest orchids in nature. And you alone are beautiful, the sweetest nectar flows through you.

I know a CEO who had fallen on hard times. Back in the day, he was a hot shot, going 1,000 miles per hour. He stopped for nothing because he was taking over the world. But after he went bankrupt, I’d still have coffee with him— and he’d pause to open the door at Starbucks for old ladies. When we were leaving, he’d pick up every piece of litter or trash around us. I noticed that when a young lady passed by, he’d look at the shade of her hair or sometimes, be mesmerized by a faraway look in her eyes. He began to not only appreciate beauty, but he himself—- emanated it. I’ve known this man for over 3 years and it was the first time I noticed that he had gray blue eyes that turned hazel when his mood changed. meeting new guy

  • Beauty
  • Sensuality
  • Sexiness

…comes from the soul. The more soul you have, the sexier you are. God teaches us how to be sexy, naturally— by regulating the seasons. In your life, there will be a dry season, a wet season, a cold season, a hot season, a young season and a mature season. You will naturally have your ups and downs and as you embrace them…. you gradually develop and grow your beauty as you age.

If you want to understand how to turn the harsh conditions of your life into beauty, please give me a call for a Free Success Strategy Session and forward this video in a personalized email to everyone you know who is secretly beautiful but doesn’t know it yet. Thank you.

Don’t have a single customer, dollar or investor? Where to start!