Has anyone ever gone ape-shit crazy on you? Like…. you’re a successful executive, but you’re dating a psycho. Or…. you married this super hot bikini model…. but…. she’s bipolar.

A lot of really accomplished people I know— love the intensity of success, being at their peak or performing at really high levels. So sometimes… they tend to pick love partners who fulfill that need for an adrenaline rush. A high, an excitement for life. And so they also tend to pick partners who… when they get overloaded, turn psycho…

This can also happen when you have no choice but to tell someone… the truth. I had a client who basically lost her job because she had to tell her 800 lb gorilla boss that one of their big investors was a scam artist. Of course, he didn’t want to hear the truth because he would lose face. Instead of thanking her, he went ballistic on her.2. fatal

So if someone just goes psycho on you and they want to kill you…. what should you do?  In this video I’m going to suggest a survival tactic that will help both you and the psycho to heal from the trauma of their attack. And the R.O.I., the return on investment for doing this is:

  • save your relationship (with that person)
  • save your job
  • save your company
  • save your sanity
  • save a phone call to 911
  • save your life (cuz they wanna axe you)

The first thing you do when someone threatens your life is:

  1. Don’t leave. Don’t try to escape. Because they might be waving a knife in your face, but as soon as you turn to leave, the knife is in your back. So don’t do that.
  2. Instead, what you are going to do… is make eye contact. A lot of people, right here— will just WALL off. Don’t do that. Connect. It’s like they’re drowning and they’re not going to eventually die, if you keep ignoring them. You have to throw them a rope, you have to connect with them to calm them down.
  3. Then, you’re going to have an open body posture. Don’t cross your legs or your arms. Don’t fidget shift in your seat. Remain open. Because it tells that person, “I don’t judge you.”
  4. Right when they’re screaming at you— right in your face, you remain calm and focused. They’re going to repeat the same questions over and over and over again. Because in their rage…. what you’re saying because they can’t even hear what they’re saying. So what you have to do is answer all their questions, even if you have to repeat the same answer over and over again in a calm tone. What you’re doing is hypnotizing their demon. Because they’re a demon has taken over their body and their mind. And you need to hypnotize their dragon. As soon as you have the thought, “As soon as this meeting is over, I’m going to quit my job. Or I’m going to break up with you.” Any thoughts you have of escaping— they will escalate… the rage.
  5. Practice patience. The secret to escaping death right at this moment is NO FEAR. You have to have no fear. Because that person is literally stronger and bigger than you right now— even if she’s a chick—– because she wants it more, she wants to kill you. And she’s in the middle of her tantrum, so she has superhuman strength to annihilate you.

So your attitude has to be NO FEAR. Her soul is being held hostage by these demons. And you have to free the princess. You have to slay her dragon by hypnotizing it, calming it down. And the level of your compassion must exceed the level of her fear. 

This is an exercise for you…. to learn compassion. 

In my experience with 352 clients thus far, as soon as you do this, that person magically calms down. It’s like the Holy Spirit descends on them and injects them with horse tranquilizer. They suddenly snap out of it. And start talking like a normal human being again. I’ve been in meetings where the person suing my client— just rolls over and acquiesces. It’s like they just hand the baton right back over to you.

At which point, you need to have a game plan. Because they’re going to ask you to what to do. NOW….. after they just attempted homicide in the 4th degree, now… they want to have a rational discussion with you and they want to listen to your suggestions on how to best move forward. Don’t blink an eye. Just tell them and act like nothing ever happened.

So remember, what are the 4 key points to surviving death by a psycho?

  • eye contact (which represents intimacy)
  • tone of voice (which represents empathy)
  • Open body posture (which represents vulnerability)
  • Patience (which represents compassion)

Okay, if you’ve built your success from the ground up— like you’re a day trader, a professional athlete, the head honcho of a company or your department— chances are… you are a resilient, motivated self-starter, a go-getter. with pig headed determination and discipline

So that’s why you’re so dumb-founded when you are confronted by a psycho. Because it goes against the grain of everything that’s gotten you results, thus far. The good news is…. you’re not only learning what make you a successful person, you’re also learning what makes you a loving person.

Let me quantify the R.O.I. for you, if you still don’t believe me…. because I can feel you waving your middle finger at me….

When I taught this process to a divorce attorney, we were dealing with a psycho ex-husband. At first, they were struggling to settle for a $2,000 / month alimony. And I got my client to receive $13,000 / month alimony plus $2,300 / month child support for 12 years plus half the value of the house plus a Mercedes.

There are other benefits of course, like not making the headlines of the huffington post. You try this and post your comments with your results. And please….. send a personal email to anyone who you know who is sleeping with the enemy, right now. And help save a life, maybe two.

What to do when you are being threatened, bullied by a psycho (boss, wife, etc.)