Welcome to Part 2 of this video series called, “Have you had an extremely difficult life?” In the first video, I showed you the reason why your soul chose to have such a challenging life time. (Bankruptcy, divorce, cancer, abuse, addiction, obesity)

In this video, I’m going to show you how you can embrace your destiny and make your life easier.

People who have had an extremely difficult life… think of who they are. Their names are:

  • Mother Teresa
  • MLK
  • Ghandi
  • Jesus
  • Buddha
  • (your name)

They are heroes of humanity. Heroes choose to have a difficult life. They didn’t come down to earth to float in a pool drinking Margaritas. They didn’t decide to incarnate so they could shop on Rodeo Drive or buy the next S-series of Porche. You did not decide to be born because you wanted an easy life. You wanted a meaningful life.

For you… if you’ve had an extremely difficult life, your archetype, meaning your life path— is one of a hero.

I want you to write down on a piece of paper right now, “I am a hero and this is what it feels like to win.” Your first step in making your life easier, is to realize that your adversity is a sign of your triumph.

Step #1: Realize that this entire time, you have been triumphing. This is what it feels like to WIN.

So if we interviewed Jesus right now and asked him, “Hey Jesus, what does it feel like to be Ruler of Humanity?”

He would answer exactly what you would answer about your own life experience. He’d say, “Uh… kinda hurts. You know… they nail you to a cross.”

So Jesus, do you like all that power God has given you? I mean, the Catholic church is the richest church in the world. You’re famous. Your picture, and your statue is on every church altar….

“Well…. power comes with responsibility. It’s not all private jets and Playboy bunnies. Doesn’t work like that. God gave me power— because my compassion and my love exceeds that power. I understand the human soul and I would never never never…. use the power that God has given me for selfish gain.

Power— true power is…. Not glorious. Very humbling. The only soul God would trust to endow all of His / Her power to…. is someone who is as innocent as a child, yet can bear the suffering of a king.”

Your step 2 is to realize that your adversity is a sign of your power as a hero. I want you to write down, “My suffering = earning my wings.”

You were earning your wings and now you know— how the people whom you are going to uplift in this world, feel like when they suffer. When I say wings, what I mean is that you’ve earned your angel-hood.

Your step 3 is to ask yourself,

Step 3: “What do you do now that you know you’re a hero?”

You know you’re a hero. God knows you’re a hero. But no one else knows that you’re a hero. So… what do you do? I want you to brainstorm.

One of my clients brainstormed and this is what she came up with:

  • Always try to do the right thing.
  • Things are thrown at me and I just deal with them.
  • I ask God every day for help.
  • Coincidentally, I ALWAYS HAPPEN TO BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME to help someone. It’s like I’m Clark Kent, nobody in the eyes of the world, but God always puts me where I’m needed.

As you brainstorm, you’re going to start to see the patterns in your life that match and mimic all the other heroes in history.

Once you realize that you’re living the same story as every other hero— for example, she was like Mr. Incredible who was a superhero forced to work in a cubicle as an insurance agent. Just like Mr. Incredible… she longed to step out of the closet as her true self, she was tired of living in the darkness and she wanted to finally…. taste the peach and nectar of life, step out into the sun, rip off her glasses and white button down shirt and display her spandex superhero outfit underneath….

As a hero, you do not live a glorious life. You have to disguise who you truly are. You live in the shadows. The moment you ask for glory, to announce to the world that you are son of God or Martin Luther King or the one who is going to stand up and fight…..

Step #4 is to realize your destiny as a hero.

  1. The moment you ask God for glory…. you will get it.
  2. Evil will offer you a job. (Philadelphia)
  3. You will be promoted to the highest ranks.
  4. You will battle the mafia boss, the head honcho corrupt CEO.
  5. It will be a public battle.
  6. You are destined to win after an intense fight.
  7. You must create a cause or show people the benefit of standing up for truth, fighting for the side of Good.
  8. You will win….. if you include others in you fight. If you stand for something. If you help others. If in your victory, thousands or millions of people benefit.
  9. Lastly, You will get paid.

Think: Erin Brokovich. Philadelphia (sued for AIDs discrimination).

Most hero’s will only have 1 fight in their whole life. One defining moment in history. They will not have many fights and many victories. They will prepare their whole life for one fight and a single victory that will change the course of humanity.

Step #5, Write this down, “I am the spiritual equivalent of a Navy Seal. I am in a special class of elite souls.”

I want you to stop blaming yourself and stop using the Law of Attraction to say that you’ve attracted your negative experiences. That’s not true. It’s not karma. You’re a hero. You have to have adversity— otherwise, you cannot be a hero uplift humanity.

I’ve had clients who spent 10 years in therapy for depression or rehab. Then, they come to see me. In an hour, they’re cured. They’re healed. They just understand their life path. So, stop wasting your time and your money and your energy on trying to take classes or read books that try to explain to you all these fancy theories. Cut through the bullshit. Come see me. Everything will make sense in an hour. It’s not karma. It’s not because you’re messed up. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re probably just a hero and you need to embrace your destiny and triumph. I can help you… become who you were really meant to be. And I believe in you because I know who you are.

Part 2: Have you had an extremely difficult life? How to make it easier!