Are you dating dating dating… but you don’t seem to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person for you? That’s why people eventually sign up with a matchmaker, dating websites or singles events—– because they don’t want to leave it up to chance. They don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to find love. (surprise!) But the reality is that dating leads to more dating. It doesn’t lead to a committed life long partnership.

In this video: I’m going to show you how to attract someone that you can build your life with.

Dating = shopping

First of all, what is dating? Dating is the same thing as shopping. You’re sampling the population for something you’re interested in Fascinated by?  Maybe could fit?? Most people who shop…. do what? They browse… and then shop some MORE. There are endless options. Most people who are dating— LOVE to date. They love to shop for new romances. Are you interested in meeting someone who’s looking for the newest, shiniest, best-looking OPTION on the market? Because that person is going to change their mind as soon as you go out of fashion, get old or don’t offer them the latest top of the line dating option anymore.

If you want to be successful at dating, you have to have the best package. And you have to compete against all the other options and beat them out. Commitment = 1 option. Commitment is the exact opposite. Commitment is not 1 million options. It’s only one option. 

  • There’s only 1 Cinderella who fits the glass slipper.
  • There’s only one Snow White who is the fairest of them all.
  • There’s only one Romeo for Juliet.

The #1 principal in finding and attracting a committed relationship is self-acceptance. Accepting yourself. Cinderella didn’t try to audition to be one of Maxim’s Hometown Hotties to attract Prince Charming. She accepted that she was a maid and that she didn’t have money to buy a gown or an invitation to the ball. And what happened? The Prince came knocking on her door with a glass slipper. Juliet didn’t go on or Facebook posting, “Romeo, Romeo where art thou?” She accepted that he was a Montague and that their love was forbidden. And what happened? He climbed the fortress walls to seduce her with poetry. Snow White didn’t go on the Bachelorette reality tv show and audition all the Princes. She hung out with her neighbors, who at the time were 7 dwarves and they led the prince on his white horse to her sleeping body. As soon as she woke up, boom! Ring on her finger! Guy proposed.

Okay, you need to accept where you’re at. And allow love to find you. It’s probably right at your back door. Meanwhile, you’re scurrying all over town trying to compete in the beauty pageant that we refer to as dating. How do you accept where you’re at? You need to be honest with yourself about what you bring to the table. Just face the facts and accept them. What is your:

  • income
  • location
  • age
  • height
  • weight
  • profession
  • education

Here are your stats. Accept them. Embrace it. Because the person who is seeking the “perfect” partner to help them build a life with is not looking at your package. He or she is looking at what you have to offer— in terms of your potential. A person who is serious about building a life with someone else— is already building his/her own life. They’re not looking far and wide across the seas for their dream man or woman— they’re too busy building their life. They would be thrilled and tickled pink to find someone with enough potential to build their life with. Remember in dating, you have to have a great package? Well to attract commitment, you have to have great potential.

That’s actually what this woman who accepted herself did— the 30 year old computer programmer who worked in a cubicle not in Monaco France or Shangrila— but in plain old Seattle Washington—- and she didn’t have breast implants or platinum blonde highlights– she accepted her mousy brown shoulder length hair. Her name was Melinda Gates. She married Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft…. because of her potential, not her package. You may love each other when you first meet, but you fall in love later on when you realize that this person has the potential to make all your dreams come true.

  • Dating is I want to find my dream man or dream woman.
  • Commitment is I want to make your dreams come true.

When you re-enter the dating world with this perspective of your potential…. then you can accept yourself and say, “I’m a 30 year old computer programmer with a flat chest and mousy brown hair. I can make all your dreams come true. You may not love my package, but you will fall in love with my potential.” Bill gates did and his dream to change the world through philanthropy– came true. If you want to attract commitment instead of competing in the beauty pageant of dating, contact me.

Why Dating Doesn’t Work! How to Find a Life Partner.