Team Coaching:

Crossfit No Boundaries is a Crossfit gym which charges 10 times the monthly membership and registration fees of 24 Hour Fitness. It was founded by a group of 5 young, athletic men ages 20, 23, 24, 25 and 30 with intense passion for extreme performance.
- Losing money for 18 months straight
- 30 full-time members
- Unproductive daily staff meetings
After 90 days of coaching….
- Profitable every month
- Over 90 full-time members
- Weekly staff meetings with clear communication
How did they do it? Powerful TEAMWORK!
We met bi-monthly for 4-6 hour sessions with the entire staff. They went through a pre-set curriculum custom-designed to look exactly like one of their Crossfit W.O.D.’s (workout of the day). Each staff person was given individual homework assignments and was held accountable by other staff for its completion.
Team Vision:

Momi Pointer is the branch manager for a national mortgage lender. She is a dynamic and motivated leader with over 30 years experience in her industry. She became the moral, emotional and motivational support for many of her loan officers during the subprime mortgage crisis which began in 2008.
After 60 days of coaching, her team went from….
- Uncertain if they could make a comeback
- Ignoring their health
- Meeting their minimum requirements
- On fire, ready to rock, power networking
- Losing 43 pounds, yoga, paleo diet
- Doubling production and income
How did they do it? Personal Breakthroughs!
We met weekly for 3 hour sessions with the entire staff. We also met individually, for one-on-one coaching for 1 hour sessions. Each person defined what her “secret sauce” was that made her tick, at the peak of her game, top-notch. When each person brought her true self to the table, they ended up with a killer team.[hr]
Executive and Leadership Coaching:

Pacific Growth is a premier private equity real estate investment firm. Its founder and principal, Chris La Fornara, started in construction and built the company from scratch. The company now owns assets in the hundreds of millions. For years, he drove a white Toyota pick-up truck and still wears jeans and a t-shirt to board meetings.
After 60 days of coaching, he went from….
- Losing tens of millions for the past 2 years, due to the economy
- Single
- Minority ownership in a pivotal development project
- Profiting $8 million, despite the economy
- in a committed relationship
- Owning 51% in a pivotal development project
How did he do it? Undeniable VISION!
We met weekly for 3 hour sessions, one-on-one. In each session, we created vision maps that detailed how his personal and spiritual crisis was affecting his business. More importantly, what his financial crisis was teaching him about himself. Once, he got it— his verve for life returned!