Part 7 (of 8) Julien Pineau’s Key Log: Visiting his Brother’s Grave
Welcome to Part 7 of Julien Pineau, athletic coach vs. Vicky Lee, success coach. Julien is movement specialist to world class athletes and featured guest on Barbell Shrugged. Vicky Lee is success coach to CEO’s and Dean’s Fellow at Harvard University.
Julien’s specialty is finding the key log, the one thing that will make or break an athlete.
Throughout this 8 video series, Vicky is going to find Julien’s key log, the one thing holding him back from unlimited success.
Julien is not yet fulfilling his true potential, because he has not yet removed his key log. In this video, Julien grapples with this key log. He realizes that his key log is losing his connection with his brother, Jerome. But he is not quite ready to remove his key log.
So Vicky does the same thing that Mr. Miyagi does in the movie Karate Kid.
Mr. Miyagi makes Daniel-san “sand the floor,” “paint the fence” and “wash the car.”
1,000 times. After doing it a thousand times, Daniel-san is finally not afraid to practice his true karate.Vicky goes around and around Julien’s key log, so that he never suspects that she’s zeroing in on it.
In the 20 years since Jerome died, Julien has never visited his brother’s grave.
Watch as how Julien discovers that having a face-to-face conversation with Jerome’s tombstone will release fear within him that keeps him from living his true potential.