(Part 3) The meaning behind your type of name


What type of name do you have? If you have a “saint” name, you will live the life of a saint. If you have a “mommy” or “daddy” name, you will live the life of a pimp. If you have a money name, you won’t settle for assets, investments or a business—- you can smell cash!

But what if you are named after alcohol? Or a gem? Or adventure? Watch this video to find out the meaning behind unique baby names and to learn what type of name you have.

(Part 3) The meaning behind your type of name

In this video I will interpret the types of names out there. And as always, we always live out the opposite of what our name means. If your name means king, in order to learn how to become king, you must first be a servant. Otherwise you will always be a false king or a fake king. You won’t truly embody the meaning of your name. For more on that, watch part 1 of this name meaning video series.

Names can be grouped into different types. There are saint names or names of people who live the life path of a saint:

  • Gina means love, so she will have other people in her life hating her.
  • Mary means blessed, so she will live a life that is mostly cursed.
  • John means nude or to unveil. So he will live the opposite of that— a life of cover-ups, conspiracies or secret mysteries. He might be conventional on the outside, but on the inside, he is a rebel. That’s why we call solicitors of prostitutes, johns– -because they look normal on the outside but are the opposite behind closed doors. And think of John the Baptist who heralded the savior.

Saints are always sacrificial. They are giving their lives over to a higher principle. This is not the same as giving your life over to a lower principle…..like destroying yourself for the sake of drugs, money or sex. Those are what I call the gansta names!

We have gansta names and then we have pimp names. Ganstas are physically violent. Pimps are psychologically violent. Ganstas rob a bank or a rich person. The pimp will ask you to go rob the bank or a rich person and then give him a cut of the cash. He manages the ganstas. Gansta names are like Boo Boo, Honey, Sugah, Cho Cho, Smallie, Biggie. Anything that refers to a small pet or anything miniature or edible is a gansta name.

Pimp names contain Abba like Abba Zero— or anything that connotes a mommy or a daddy. Richard is such a great pimp name. Richie, Rich— who will usually lead a rather humble life, but watch who Richard dates. Doesn’t that person resemble a hoe or a gold-digger? Donny, Bobbie, Bob, Billy, Willy— these are all great pimp names. Female pimp names are Celine, Cher, Diane, Shawna, Daniella, Linda.

Then you have the money names. Strikingly similar to gansta names, because these people are aggressive, they usually have a double syllable. Gigi or Kiki or Dee Dee or Bebe or Titi, Cici or Mimi. They are aggressive as hell and they want your cash bad. Not something they have to go out and re-sell by the way. They don’t want to invest in something and have to wait for a return of their investment. They want the money and they want it now. The best real estate agents and sales people in the world.

People named after name brands or alcohol. Channel, Mercedes, Chardonnay, Gucci, Bailey, Burgundy, Grey as in Grey Goose, Jameson, Jack (as in Daniels), Margarita… They usually live very grounded, reliable lives. They have good jobs, they get a steady paycheck. But on the inside…. their are just the opposite. They are living in their fantasies of other people.

Women named after gems. Crystal, Emerald, Jewel, Gemma, Ruby, Diamond. Gems are the most clear and pure elements in nature. So these women live dirty lives. They are usually strippers or porn stars.

Adventure names: Hunter, Chance, Chase, Bear, Jet, Ace, Maverick, Huck, Cliff…. These men will be overly intellectual and over analytical and too detail oriented. Adventure is wind in your face, don’t hold back BIG BIG BIG— and while these men tend to be athletic on the outside, on the inside they are often artists, craftsmen or microscopic in the way they view everything — tiny tiny tiny.

As promised to viewers who left Youtube and Google plus comments to ask me to interpret their names.

  • Mara means destroyer. So you will inject drama, life, color into everything that you touch or interact with. So much life— it often leads to gossip or embellishment.
  • Denise means honesty. Which means many people in your life have lied to you, including from when you were a child. You are probably someone of high integrity.
  • Candace means royalty which also infers living a sheltered life or upper class existence.    Which means you’re probably a school teacher or something common that forces you to interact with a diverse and large portion of the public.
  • Renee means rebirth or renaissance. It is the name of a muse or the subject of Michelangelo’s iconic sculptures— like a virtuous and ethereal vision of the divine feminine. So you’re probably an engineer, doctor or scientist— the opposite of that, very technical, non emotional or practical.