Sexual “annoyers” are a few notches down from sexual harassers. They most likely are aware of their inner creepy thoughts, but not aware that others can perceive it and that others take drastic measures to avoid them. They ask, “Hey, where are all the girls at?” The answer: hiding from you. 

Sexual annoyers choose “targets,” a particular person or people who share the characteristics that make the annoyer feel that they are easy prey. 

Sexual annoyers fracture the culture of an entire WOD or workout of the day. They do not allow their targets to bond to other people or to bond “without them.” They must be the center of attention of their “targets” and they perform innocuous, less visible behaviors so as not to get detected, such as: 

  • Glaring 
  • Interrupting their target’s workout to offer “help” 
  • Initiating unwanted conversations 
  • Standing too close, slowing inching forward while talking or trying smell the target 

Under the guise of, “Hey, I’m a friendly guy,” they try to “possess” their targets, over time. 

As a gym, the only way you will know you have a sexual annoyer is when someone complains. That is if you are lucky. Most targets and observers of that behavior will simply leave and take their friends with them. 

Do you have a creepy guy at your gym?