Dear Friends, 

As a lifelong health freak, I highly recommend you do a series of gallstone cleanses, which is also considered a liver flush. A whole lot of the grease or deep fried foods or sugar or chemicals you’ve ingested, will come out of your body all at once. 

It takes 2 days. All the gallstones stored in your liver will fall out in the toilet. It’s intense. It will purify your body instantly. For you hardcore people out there who are stuck in life and stuck at your body weight, this will shift you! 

  • One week prior: drink apple juice each day 
  • Friday night, you drink 2 batches of epsom salts, 2 hours apart. Then 2 hours later, a concoction of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and olive oil (first cold pressed organic extra virgin) 
  • Saturday morning, you drink 2 batches of epsom salts, 2 hours apart. 
  • Saturday (all day), you are on the toilet every 10-30 minutes, while a gallon of stagnant bile and hundreds of gallstones and cholesterol stones come gushing out of your liver.  

Here is the book for free. Read it. Then, let me know when you’re gonna do it! I’ve personally done 19 of them in the past 4 years. They help me, a lot. 


Do a gallstone cleanse: Intense, quick, purification