“The meaning behind body piercings, tattoos, hair,” by Vicky Lee

Tattoos and piercings = Slavery
Tattoos mean jealousy. Property of or to denote territory or property like branding a horse or marking Jews during Nazi era.
Piercings mean domination, control, ownership. Chaining a slave.

Hair means power:
Hair bangs mean you are covering your third eye and that means that you are gullible. Strippers.
Hair is power. Too long is not long power, now it is submission.
Bald, so controlled…. control freak, megalomaniac.
Straight hair means you follow the rules.
Curly hair means that you don’t.
More hair means you have more power or force.
Very fine hair or thinning hair means you have or use less force.

Make-up vs. War Paint:
Makeup is painting your face. All color in nature tends to be more vibrant when it wants to mate. Look at peacocks and flowers that want to attract bees. So it mean inviting, joining, as in mating.

Too much makeup makes a woman look like a drag queen and it gives off the opposite message of war paint or fighting, aggression, separation. Because from your war paint, you can tell if you are from opposing tribes.

A woman’s breast size denotes how nurturing she is. So if she’s more nurturing or life giving, she has larger breasts. If she’s not, she has smaller breasts. But what about women who get implants? She is no longer using her mammary glands to feed children, but to attract a mate who will feed her. So natural large breasts mean, “I support your life.” But silicon breasts mean, “You support $$ my life.”

A person’s butt denotes how fun they are. So bigger butts are people who have more fun. Smaller butts are people who are more serious. What about people who get butt implants? It’s supposed to send the message that I am super fun. But if you meet people who have actual butt implants, they are the most boring people you’ve ever met, they actually lack personality and they seem dead, like they’re always on painkillers. Very subdued people.

Nails mean magic, but if you have long nails or ornate nails, they mean greed.

Facial Hair:
Beard = purity
Amish or Jewish men
But it looks dirty.

Colors of hair correspond with the maturity level of an adult:
White or platinum blonde= infant
Yellow = childhood
Sandy = adolescent
Red = young adult (sexual awakening)
Brown = adult (commitment)
Black = midlife when all your talents and gifts are at a height, Black is the richest color of all, containing all spectrums of the rainbow
Grey = Wisdom
Silver = Mastery

That’s why we like two-toned hair. So if you have brown hair with blonde streaks, that means that you are the committed relationship type of person, but you still have some streaks of innocence.

What about people who have purple or green hair, or mohawks or extreme hair? Long ago, in tribal cultures, medicine men or warriors would style their hair to resemble animals such as the feathers of the hawk, the curly helmet of the bear, the shell of the turtle or the tail of a skunk. They did this because they were celibate. They did not have sex. Warriors would not lie with women before battle and shaman would not have sex when they were preparing to heal sick people of their illnesses. That is because they live between realms. Between life and death, between the animal and human kingdoms and between heaven and earth.

So if you have wacky hair, you’re sending the message that I’m an outcast, I’m different, I don’t mate with humans and I’m supposed to harness my powers for artistic, creative, healing or warlike purposes, not for relationships.