“How to change old habits!” by Vicky Lee


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Welcome to the new year of 2015. It is a time of new year’s resolutions. Most people’s greatest struggle will be changing old habits. I’m going to show you how to do that in this video.

When you arise with the morning star, remember that this— your physical apparatus is merely a bodily temple for your spirit. At the core of who you are is a seed. This seed is an unadulterated, pure, potent spectacle of the divine. The rest of you sprouts like branches and leaves from that seed. Some of the branches are broken, dried up, battered from the weather of life. Some support bird nests such as if you have a company or a household with relatives.

  • Meditation and prayer is a form of returning to that seed.
  • Religion and spiritual practice is a form of pruning the branches that do not bear fruit or whose fruit has become bitter with time.
  • I am going to teach you co-creation which is shooting off new pure branches from that seed of divinity and starting to rebuild your life from scratch… directly from the seed of God within you.

For example, are you struggling with your body? Are you:

  • counting calories
  • measuring your portions
  • scheduling meals
  • tracking your work outs

What you are doing is pruning and maintaining these old branches of your body… when they are already bearing bitter fruit. Instead of…. going to the seed of your divinity and just sprouting a new branch.

Instead of saying to yourself, “I am going to melt this fat…. that it took me all of 2014 to accumulate by eating cheesecake every weekend with my mom.” Say, “The spirit of the divine feminine is emerging from my body, right now in 2015. Ohhhhh kay…. here she comes.”

Here are the steps to co-creation:

  • Step 1: Pick a goal or whatever you are trying to do.
  • Step 2: Instead of saying that you are doing it, say that the divine within you is doing it.
  • Step 3: Allow it to be.

Instead of, “I am going to fast.” Say, “The spirit of God residing within me, today, is fasting.”

Instead of saying at work, “I’m tired.” Say, “I am allowing the abundant Buddha of prosperity to answer my phone calls.” Therefore, “My abundant Buddha is not talking to you. It’s talking to her.”

Instead of saying, “My marriage is stifling me.” Say, “The divine lover within me is hosing down the fire of this mad woman.” Can you say, “She is forcing me to find air elsewhere?” And use that as a justification to cheat on your marriage? Instead of focusing why you’re chopping down an old dead branch. It’s better to just sprout a new branch in your marriage. Put that down… the electric chain saw. Don’t even pay attention to the old branch. Just forget it. It will wither and die on its own if you don’t tend it. Let’s just pay attention to your new branch.

Step 1: What are you doing? Enjoying your marriage? That’s still fixing an old problem. That’s not starting a new branch. If you were starting from scratch, you wouldn’t feel married to her. You might have been married to her for 10 years, but all of a sudden… in 2015…. you feel like you’re sleeping next to a stranger. And you don’t know this person. Who the heck in is your bed?

If you’re starting a new branch with this woman….

  • Step 1: What are you doing? “I’m observing who the heck I got married to.”
  • Step 2: “The God within me is observing who this woman is.”
  • Step 3: Allow it to be.

That means, no comment. Zip it. Stay quiet. You don’t know who this person is. Allow the divine within you to observe a woman… in your kitchen, cooking breakfast. Interesting huh? She’s kinda cute when she’s not talking.

Does divinity drink alcohol or need coffee in the morning to wake it? No. Divinity creates from nothing. And it’s better that you withhold your input while God is creating and expressing herself through your life. God does not need your suggestions. Please, remain in awe and silence when God is walking a mile a day for the first time in your life.

When others criticize you, “Why are you walking?” Hold up your hand, “Nyet! God is walking! Do not bother her. But praise is accepted.”

Instead of saying, “I’m single.” Say, “I allow the goddess within me to seek her mate through the eyes of love.”

Allow God one day a week to perform ONE task.

  • Maybe it’s on Sunday, you fast.
  • Maybe it’s on Monday, you answer emails.
  • Maybe it’s on Tuesday, you work out.
  • Maybe it’s on Wednesday, you cook dinner for your wife.

Just ONE task. Spend 2015 tending to that one branch. Ignore all other branches and allow them to die or break off. Tend only that which bears fruit and blossoms into the flower of life.