Today’s episode is dedicated to the Letters C, E, and O.

  1. This is you 
  2. This is your brain 
  3. This is your brain doing business
  4. Here is how you do business
  5. Here is how you should do love
  6. This is your brain on success
  7. This is your brain on love
  • The higher up the chain of business or success you climb, the harder it is for you to have or find love.
  • Love is on the ground. Love is the earth. You tend and nurture the earth to grow vegetables and flowers. Love feeds you.
  • Success is in the sky. Success is the air. You flap your wings and fly to make your dreams come true. Success inspires you.
  • When you are CEO or a champion, you are in the sky, flying.
  • You are not on the ground, farming.
  • Success and love are 2 different atmospheres.

POP QUIZ: Can you grow flowers and trees in the sky? A. No, B. Yes, C. Give me 5 minutes, I’ll get back to you. Answer is A, “no.”  Love can’t grow in the sky. Where does love grow? On the ground.

  • When you do something loving on the ground, you create love.
  • When you to do something loving in the sky, you create Honey Boo boo.

Okay, Mr. or Ms. CEO, ie trouble boy and sassy rockstar… You can’t nurture and farm in the sky. You’re very creative so you’re saying, “Yes, I can grow it in a test tube. I don’t have to grow it on the earth.” This is what happens when you grow love in a test tube. It doesn’t take. Because love has to be reciprocal in order to take.

When I water the earth… it grows a plant. I give… it gives back. It goes 2 ways. When I water the sky…. it disappears. I give… it doesn’t give back. Success is 1 way. Birds don’t fly backwards. They fly forward. Same with business. Love is the only thing that recycles and renews and regenerates.

POP QUIZ #2: What types of currency does love take? Trick question! Love isn’t for sale, so you can’t buy it.

When your brain is in the sky… your brain is not on the earth. When you brain in on success… your brain is not on love. When you start your brain ON love, it’s like heroin… you don’t want to go TOO big… you wanna start small. So don’t start your brain on LOVE… with people. It’s better to start with something smaller… like a plant. If you can keep it alive by watering, nurturing, and feeding it… there’s hope. What you want to do is cultivate that energy within you… which is able to grow love. And if you can’t even do it with a plant, then you can’t do it with a human. Then, when you’ve graduated from that, you can practice with a hamster. Then, maybe a cat.. but eventually…. work your way up… to homo sapiens. What this does is… takes your brain OFF success and puts your brain ON love.



Put your brain on L-O-V-E