When you see an attractive man or a hot chick— and you’re excited! You instantly want to ask that person out on a date or you’re jumping, you’re hopping— you get this surge of energy! This excitement is what most people call “chemistry” or “instant attraction.” And the whole world is looking for this. Some people think “excitement” is love at first sight.

Well, if you’re hopping around, too excited, anticipating, can’t wait—- and you wanna PLAY… that person is not a human being to you. That person is a TOY.

You’re treating that person like he or she is an OBJECT that you wanna drive, play with, have sex with, dance with, go to Spain with. That person is your TOY.

If that person were an actual human being with a heart and a soul, basically, with their own set of separate and distinct feelings—– you would not be jumping all around throwing money to BUY an experience with that person.

You would not jump to purchase or scramble to make a date—- with ZERO patience. “I want it! I want it! I want YOU!” I’m excited! I’m excited!

Okay, that’s not love. That’s lust.

If you saw this beautiful thing that was HUMAN…. you would not be jumping all over because YOU’RE excited. Instead, you would be calm, quiet, meek and you would observe how THEY feel. You would be present and wait… you would not hunt and stalk.

  • Because when you love someone, it matters how THEY feel.
  • When you lust after someone, it matters how excited YOU feel.
  • When you see someone as a TOY, you wanna PLAY! Yah!
  • When you see someone as a human being, you wanna tend and nurture.

The biggest mistake I see with successful alpha business people, like executives or celebrities—- is that they INSTANTLY want to ask an attractive person out on a date.

They want to nail down that meeting, score a phone number, get a date so that they can take advantage of that opportunity.

Let me tell you— DATES are confrontational. You are sitting there interviewing someone with the goal of qualifying or disqualifying them from being a potential mate. And that person FEELS like— an object— like a toy. The way that you’re interviewing them, sounds like you’re reading a manual for a toy, “How do you operate? Where is the ON button? How fast do you go? Do you like to run on this kind of fuel or that kind? When do I have to replace your batteries?”

And you’re testing them…. to figure out their limitations and you’re figuring out HOW MUCH or HOW OFTEN or HOW LONG can I USE YOU… until you break or I replace you with a newer, safer or younger model?

And that person, if they have an authentic soul and a tender heart—- do you know how they see you? They see you like a used car salesman who’s just gauging how to scam them into loving you. And what’s going to happen is you are going to attract FAKE people who want to use you back. You’re not going to attract REAL people who want to love you.

My advice to you CEO’s :

  1. Stop over-killing it or stop show-boating. Stop showing how talented you are, how healthy you are, how rich you are, how many fabulous vacations you go on, how many important people you know…
  1. Nonverbally honor and discern how that person authentically feels… in the moment. That’s true relationship. Observe and witness— like you do a sunset.

Do not whip out your boobs, your dick or your wallet and show them how EXCITED YOU FEEL!!!!”

You’re gonna say, “But if I don’t ask that person out on a date and impress him or her on the date, they’ll get away! I’ll miss my opportunity.”

No you won’t. You take flowers…. and you don’t grow roses. Growing something takes patience. And you don’t have the patience to grow anything— you just buy it!

You treat the flower like it’s a toy and then you kill it. You had something…. with potential… but you don’t love it, so it doesn’t last. Without love, nothing can last.

You need to practice…. patience… and cultivating a type of inner peace…. before you can go out and start killing love with your lust. I bet you—-it’s a matter of time… before something real and authentic in your life… dies. (think about your grown kids, your ex spouse)

You’re gonna say, “But then I won’t be so excited! How will I feel rainbows and unicorns?”

Love is not cocaine! It doesn’t feel AWESOME up front and then later on rots all your teeth! That’s lust. Love is like organic fresh-squeezed orange juice. It tastes tart at first… but gets sweeter with time.

And you’re not supposed to feel ape-shit crazy from DAY ONE. That tells you something. That tells you that you’re on COCAINE and that’s lust, not love.

And the very first thing I want you to do— is CATCH THE RED FLAG. It’s a signal—- Op. I’m acting out my emotional addiction again. Don’t do a rail. Don’t snort that line. Don’t go hunt down that hottie like he or she is the last lust drug dealer in town. Does that make sense?

Your’e going to ask me, “Vicky…. but what should I DO????”

It’s not what you do— it’s what YOU DON’T DO… that attracts love. And I’m asking you to stop lusting and stop killing love everywhere you go…. but as soon as love gets within 5 feet of you, you’re so excited to snort it like it’s cocaine….

Authentically attractive people are repelled…. they don’t want to be your next drug of choice. They don’t want to have a relationship with an emotional addict.

I have to tell you straight— because you’ve been to every relationship coach and matchmaker in the English language—- and you still haven’t gotten it yet.

  • You need to love in order to have love.
  • You cannot lust your way there.

And if you do…. no one, not even me or God, can help you find what you yourself do not cultivate from within.

I want to show you something. I was at Starbucks and there were these 2 teenagers who were clasping their hands together and talking like that for 2 hours!

That’s called intimacy. Intimacy is not manmade. It is divine. You cannot manufacture it. It must be given by grace. I know you can build a company from scratch, but can you build this? Can you build something that you yourself do not cultivate from within? No. That’s why you keep seeking to buy it. No matchmaker on the planet will be able to sell you something that only God…. or Shiva can provide.

I want you to get lucky. I do…. but every time the Universe hands you a purse brimming with love, you kill it with your lust. And in God’s heart… She…. can no longer watch you dishonor the gift of love and so She withholds it from you. And if a woman or a man…. truly loves you…. I guarantee you… he or she will leave you…. and withhold the gift of love from you…. because they will not be able to stand and watch something they love be dishonored by the greed of your lust.

I’m here, because I know and I believe you want love. And I know you have it within you to create it. Or else, I wouldn’t have made this video. When you’re ready… to do the long hard work….. of peeling back the layers of your apathy and “whatever–ness” … then email me.

Until then, Namaste.

Why you REPEL attractive people you want to date!