Have you hit a glass ceiling in your life? 90% of your life is great. You have a good home, a good family… but maybe your marriage is a little lifeless or your business isn’t exciting anymore. It’s that last 10% that starting to gnaw at you?

Most people will start to obsess over that last 10% because it’s keeping them from being truly happy. Sometimes you trade in your 90% to go chase that 10%. Before you make that choice, I want to explain to you what you’re in for.

When it’s better not to fix a problem:
It is better not to deviate from a pattern. Habits form “grooves” in our brains that set up a bureaucracy within the mind. So when you change one thing, you change everything. Your mind is missing one thing that makes the whole ship run on time. It is as if you lodged a stone in the cement foundation of a house. But you decided that the stone is making a bulge in the living room floor. So you decide to take it out. But from now on, forever after, you will have a hole not only in the foundation of the house, but in the floor which makes the walls collapse and then eventually the windows, doors and roof. Sometimes, it is better to leave a flaw, injury or unhealed wound within your life than to fix it. Because if you fix the hole, you will have to rebuild the entire house.

So many times, people want to fix the one gaping hold in their lives. But that hole that lodged into the foundation of your life when you were a child. You spend years or decades building a life on top of this foundation full of holes. These holes are called many things depending on what tradition you come from.

  • In psychotherapy, they are called psychoses.
  • In New Age circles, they are called beliefs.
  • In Hindu, it is called karma.
  • In Buddhism, dukkha.
  • In Catholocism, sin.
  • In Islam, kifarah.

Holes are not truth. They are un-truths you learned from the world while you were weak. They are full of negative energies, such as jealousy, hate, powerlessness, greed. Negative energy is the same as dark energy. A dark energy is like a black hole. It sucks the life force from everything around it. So while you may have this dark energy at the foundation of your life, you’ve learned how to work around it and live with it.

Most people are tired of having this black hole sucking at their life. They think it’s just a small hole, so they hire someone like a therapist, mentor or a healer to fix it. But that one hole, if it’s at the foundation of who you are— causes the rest of your life to collapse.

Look for example, at my client who used to be the wealthiest up and coming businessman in Southern California. He had a hole in the bottom of his life. He was lonely. Because he spent his youth building his fortune. That hole irritated him. He had money, fame, success, but he did not have love. So in order to fix that hole, he ended up losing tens of millions of dollars. First, he tried dating. Then the dating did not fulfill him, but he realized if he poured sugar on the dating, he could make it taste sweeter. So he showered women with expensive gifts and drank expensive alcohol. Soon, that was not enough, so he dated many women at the same time and used drugs. This soon led him to make bad business decisions. Now, he is almost broke. But he doesn’t care. He still wants to fix that one hole in his life. The hole has become his obsession.

Most people will become obsessed with their hole. What is your hole? Love? Money? Success? Peace? Most people will chase that one hole as though it were the secret to making them happy.

You can be happy right now. You can embrace love, right now. This is what you must to do prepare for your happiness. You must meditate. But it is very hard to meditate. I have spent over 20 years practicing many ways of meditation, traveling across the world to hunt down avatars and renowned spiritual leaders. What I find that works the best for me is to starve myself for a few days or weeks, which is called “fasting.” Also, to stay away from negative people. I also like to torture my body through strenuous heavy labor such as farm work or Olympic weight lifting.

However, if you are not like me and you do not spend 70% of your life avatar hunting, self-torture or chasing enlightenment, then here is what I suggest. Oneness Meditation which is taught by Sri Baghavan and Amma Baghavan who founded Oneness Meditation in India.

There are 100 Oneness Meditators in the world. They offer free of charge, online live streaming of the meditations. Go to this website. Find a meditation in your time zone. Sit down quietly in front of your computer with an internet connection. For the first 10 minutes, close your eyes while the music is playing. Then, the oneness meditator will sit down in front of the screen, and open his/her eyes. You will be instructed to open your eyes. Stare deeply into her/his eyes. This lasts for 7 to 10 minutes. The Oneness meditator is channeling the energy of the DIvine. That person is not God. That person is merely in a state of conscious prayer. Please do not worship that person. That person is just like you or me who has undergone some spiritual training and is offering you this service free of charge. But when you stare into this person’s eyes, God will create a divine transmission of energy between the two of you. And God will physically begin to change your brain. God will fix that hole in your life and you will not have to destroy everything just to get to that one hole. At the end of the meditation, give yourself 10 minutes to sit there quietly and let the divine energy absorb into your consciousness.

Try this 3 or 4 times and see if it works for you. Namaste. www.onenessevents.org and www.onenessuniversity.org

How to do Oneness Meditation