The #1 Biggest Mistake When Making Your Vision Board

Have you ever made a vision board? You know what a vision board is, right? You’ve seen them on Oprah and the Secret— it’s where you cut out pictures from magazines of everything that you want to be, do or have and paste them onto a poster board. There are actually 4 different levels of vision boards. Which one is yours? Do you want to:

  1. get stuff (car, houses, money)
  2. feel (love, peace of mind)
  3. believe in yourself (success, winning, accomplishments) Or….?
  4. fulfill your higher calling (legacy, philanthropy)


Most people’s vision boards fit into 1 of these levels, but the reality is you can’t have one without the other 3. Because all 4 of them are intertwined. 

Of the hundreds of clients that I’ve worked with, that’s the biggest mistake I see— not understanding the 4 different levels of a vision board. And also, not combining all 4 levels onto the same vision board. If you’re like 99% of the people out there, you’re missing 1 or 2 of these levels on your vision board— and what happens is that now your vision board doesn’t the power to bring in your abundance.

Let me go over exactly what the 4 different levels of vision boards are, so that you can identify what’s missing from your vision board.

  • Level 1 Vision Board: What do I want? The 1st level of a vision board features THINGS. Money, cars, houses, a hot body, clothes. I call this a Level 1 Vision Board because it represents what you want on a physical, tangible or material level. The purpose of this vision board is to show you what your body or ego wants in order to survive and be comfortable. 
  • Level 2 Vision Board: How do I want to feel?  The 2nd level of vision board features RELATIONSHIPS. Love, family, church, community, friends, pets. I call this a Level 2 Vision Board because it represents what you want on an emotional level. The purpose of this vision board is to show you how you want to feel. 
  • Level 3 Vision Board: What do I deserve?  The 3rd level of vision board features SUCCESS. Career, job, awards, recognition, accomplishments. I call this a Level 3 Vision Board because it represents what you want on a mental or psychological level. The purpose of this vision board is to show you what you believe you deserve. 
  • Level 4 Vision Board: Who am I being? The 4th level of vision board features PURPOSE. Bucket list, the meaning of your life, legacy, humanitarian causes. I call this a Level 4 Vision Board because it represents what you want on a spiritual level. The purpose of this vision board is to show you who you want to be in this world. 


If you have a vision board, right now— which one of these levels is missing? On your vision board, do you have marriage to your true love, but you’re missing a higher life purpose? Do you wonder why you married the love of your life, but then got bored later?

Do you have a perfect body on your vision board, but you’re missing how it makes you feel? Do you wonder why you lose 100 pounds and then gain it back?

Do you have fulfilling your life calling on your vision board, but you’re missing how you want to earn a living? Do you wonder why you have a vision to change the world, when you struggle to pay your mortgage?

When you are missing a level, your vision board cannot help you manifest your full abundance.


When I coach with you, we find which level is missing, we include it in your vision board. Then, we go one step further. Instead of a collage which is just piles of piles of information, we strip away, we take away any irrelevant or extra information.

When we’re done, it doesn’t have all the pictures. It doesn’t even look like a vision board anymore. In fact, it looks just like a map—- that tells you exactly how to go from where you are right now to your abundance. And so that’s what I call it— I call it a vision map.

Do you ever look at your vision board which is like a big collage of your dream life and ask yourself, “I want all these things, but where should I start?” With me, you will know where to start, because… Before, you had a vision board which is like a billboard. It is a picture of your dream life that has nothing to do with where you are right now. After coaching with me, you will have a road map. It is precise, it has GPS and it guides you right to where your dream life is.

If you’re ready to build a road map to your abundance purchase my book, join a Success Group or call me for a free success strategy session.